Car keys technology has advanced in the last years and because of that the cost of duplicate them increased. Many things need to be considered to estimate the cost of car key duplication like transponders chips, laser cut and other spacial tools that are used in the process.
Average Price For Car key Duplicate
Regular car keys are can be duplicate around $20 from your local locksmith store.
Transponder chip keys should be programmed with a spacial machine. The prices for chip keys can vary widely but usually cost between $200 to $300 .
Remote keys can cost you a little bit extra amd are aound $350. Some smart keys with more functions can cost you more depending upon the complexity of the functions.
At Locksmith Near Me Inc we provide you a discount price with guaranteed for high quality car key duplication service. You can visit our car keys page or call us for more details for free quote and our staff will guide you through the entire process.